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30 Day Weight Loss – Lose the Weight you Want Today!

June 12, 2009

amanda-weight-loss-success-storyAm- After

Background: Myself  and 3 friends spent 6 long months testing 20 different Acai products available to anyone and everyone online. Seeing as I was getting married in 7 I had 210 days to lose enough weight to fit in “My Little White Dress”. I soon learned that due to the various extraction methods and Acai Berry harvesting techniques, some of the products we tested had little to no results. The acai berry must be freeze dried immediately after harvest! Some companies are delaying the process and losing most of the nutrients and effectiveness of the berry. All 3 of the below products are freeze dried within minutes of harvesting. Results: We found 3 products in 6 months that fit all of our criteria -high antioxidant abilities, fast working and effective for weight loss-. All 3 of the below products were very potent detox cleansers as well as weight loss catalysts. I lost 15 lbs in just a few days and my friends even more, the whole learning experience was pretty incredible. Read our reviews below and choose a supplement with proven results, no more scams!

Hello world!

June 12, 2009

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